"What does love look like? ...It has the hands to help others. It has the feet to hasten to the poor and needy. It has eyes to see misery and want. It has the ears to hear the sighs and sorrows of men. That is what love looks like."
– Saint Augustine Confessions
After reading and considering Pope Francis', "Evangelii Gaudium" (The Joy of the Gospel) in 2014-2015, the Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) asked for feedback from our parishioners to determine how St. Augustine Church can best implement the thoughts of Pope Francis. As a result of these discussions and consultation, the PPC developed a Pastoral Plan entitled: "Creating a Community of Involvement and Evangelization." Flowing from this, we decided to initiate a new parish outreach (see information below about "The Gift of Life Family House"), recruit more liturgical ministers (we now have about 25 new ministers), create more social opportunities for the young adults of the parish (started a social for our young adults once a month after the 7:00 PM Sunday Mass), be innovative to more effectively communicate with our parishioners (development of this website and creating more communication by means of the social media), and find ways to do more "networking" among parishioners (creating a position of "Volunteer for Volunteers.")
Gift of Life Family House
St. Augustine Parish is extremely pleased since September 2015 to have been able to serve dinner twice a month to the guests at Gift of Life Family House.
Gift of Life Family House is a non-profit organization that works to coordinate life-saving and life-enhancing transplants for those waiting, while supporting the generous donors and their families who have chosen to give others a second chance through organ donation.
Dinners are prepared and served on the 3rd Tuesday and 2nd Sunday of every month. Menus are predetermined and food shopping is done by our parishioners. If you're interested in participating in the cooking and serving, please contact the Parish Office.
Some comments from those who serve at the "Gift of Life Family House”:
"The people who are there are very sick but they are cheerful and grateful. This is a model for us."
"It is enjoyable to learn from each other. It is a very enjoyable experience."
"It is a gift to feed people when they are hungry, and especially when they are in our neighborhood."
"It is very satisfying. Sometimes I don't feel like going, but when I get there, I get rejuvenated. It is very rewarding."
"Some of the guests there express how grateful they are to have vegetables, salad and potatoes."
"I don't always feel like going, but I am always very glad I did. It is great to interact with our own parishioners--especially such a cross section of our parish, in particular people I don't see that often and people I see in church, but didn't really know."
"It helps keep the spirituality going of what happens at Mass."
"We have felt privileged to be a part of preparing and setting out a home-cooked meal for people who are in a difficult place in their lives and need a little TLC. Hopefully, they have felt God's presence through our actions. Preparing meals has been a special experience for us. It has given a sense of friendship as we share a bit of ourselves while working together on a shared commitment."
Alicia Pettine from "The Gift of Life Family House" said, "Both the Sunday and Tuesday groups have really made this program seamless and we look forward to the days they come in because we don't have to worry about having a successful (and innovative) dinner."
Addicts Anonymous Meetings
Meetings are held in the Carr Hall basement every week. Meetings are open to anyone in need of this ministry. For more information, please contact the Parish Office.
Sex Addicts Anonymous
Tuesday and Thursday at 7 PM (Carr Hall Basement - SHB)
Narcotics Anonymous
Saturday at 7 PM (Carr Hall Basement - SHB)